Maywood Park Stormwater Injection Management Plan

Regulatory Framework

Federal. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enacted the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974. Because of the frequent association of impacts to valuable ground water resources from underground injection facilities (drywells, infiltration galleries, French drains, septic tanks, cesspools, etc.) the federal UIC program was authorized under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

State. ODEQ Developed a state UIC program in the late 1990s, resulting in the implementation of final UIC rules in September 2001. After reviewing the state regulations, the federal UIC program delegated its UIC regulatory functions to ODEQ. ODEQ regulates underground injection under the OAR Chapter 340, Division 44. Some storm water injection systems qualify as “rule-authorized”, while others are required to operate under a Water Pollution Control Facilities Permit.

Oregon considers all ground water aquifers as suitable for drinking water, and therefore requiring protection from underground injection activities. As urban development as proceeded during the last decade, studies have shown that construction of impervious surfaces leads to decreases in natural infiltration of precipitation and increases in surface water flows. Additionally, drainage from impervious areas may carry contaminants that potentially could affect both surface water and ground water quality. Typical ground water impacts at commercial and industrial facilities include increases in heavy metals, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum hydrocarbons, and other potentially hazardous substances.

City. ODEQ issued a water pollution control facility (WPCF) permit to the City of Portland in 2005. As part of permit compliance, the City of Portland was required to establish a comprehensive UIC management plan that includes structural, nonstructural, and institutional controls to ensure the protection of ground water as a drinking water resource. The City of Portland’s Stormwater Management Manual assists with the implementation of Portland’s UIC Management Plan.

This Stormwater Injection Management Plan (Plan) has been prepared to assist the City of Maywood Park (City; Client) with implementing an inspection, maintenance, and monitoring program specific to the road-centric storm water system which is designed to collect and inject surface water into the ground within the City. In Oregon, Underground Injection Controls (UICs) are regulated by the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-044 and overseen by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
