City Government

The City of Maywood Park is represented by a Mayor/Council type of government composed of five members.

Our City holds elections every two years for the council. If you’re interested in running for council, see our page on elections or contact the City office.

Administrative roles in the City are the City Finance Director and City Recorder. The Mayor and the Council are responsible for selection and appointment of these part-time positions.

City Council meetings are typically conducted on the first and third Monday of each month, with a few exceptions (i.e. no second meeting in December). Meetings commence at 7:00 p.m., and are typically held in Room 305 of the Maywood Park Campus of Mt. Hood Community College. Meeting agendas, minutes, and public notices are posted on this website. Resident attendance is encouraged and welcomed at Council meetings.

Since COVID19, Council meeting are currently being held in person in Room 305 of MHCC and via Zoom. You may join the meeting at:

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