Response to campers in the City of Maywood Park:

House Bill 3124, which was passed by lawmakers on April 19, 2021 states in Section 1:
  "(3) [Prior to] Except as provided in subsection (9) of this section, at least 72 hours before removing homeless individuals from an established camping site, law enforcement officials shall post a written notice, [written] in English and Spanish, [24 hours in advance] at all entrances to the camping site to the extent that the entrances can reasonably be identified. [(b)] (4)(a) [At the time that a 24-hour] When a 72-hour notice is posted, law enforcement officials shall inform the local agency that delivers social services to homeless individuals as to where the notice has been posted. [(c)] (b) The local agency may arrange for outreach workers to visit the camping site [where a notice has been posted] that is subject to the notice to assess the need for social service assistance in arranging shelter and other assistance."
MCSO will be joining us, September 13th, to discuss this issue further.
~Mayor Montross


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