A Thank You to Maywood Park

Colise JohnsonMadison South2 hr ago

Thanksgiving Food Boxes.

Finally getting around to posting an update on our Thanksgiving food boxes. Sorry for the delay. Thank you all that have donated to us this year. I wish I could name each person, but you would be reading this post until Christmas. We are well into our 22 year running our food bank. We are The GAP. God Always Provides. We could not do what we do year after year without all of your support. We posted back in October about needing donations for Thanksgiving dinners for those that were going to go without. So far we have given out 44 full turkey dinners and three ham dinners. We have five more turkeys coming. The Girl Scouts are making us 40 pies. We need to send out a special thank you to them as this is the first time they have helped us. Also, we need to voice our appreciation for all the residents in Maywood Park. They have become major contributors. We appreciate their ongoing support. Thank you Maywood Park! Thank you all for being our food Angels. Your donations are never taken for granted. You are all appreciated. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving. P.S. Please stay tuned for announcement about Christmas dinners. Thank you.


Holiday Updates


Come hear the Parkrose Deboniars tomorrow afternoon!