August 2021 Update


I wanted to give some updates on happenings in Maywood Park. You may have noticed, there are no longer rubber speed bumps. They have been replaced with permanent speed bumps. These speed bumps are up to spec. The reason people think they aren’t working is because there is a gradual incline/decline. The center of the bumps are 3”, which is the same height as the rubber bumps. Alton and Shaver will be getting speed bumps next spring/summer. Unfortunately, if people are going to speed, speed bumps aren’t going to stop them.

You may have noticed there are additional pages to this message. We have a page for kids, written by kids. The young people of the city are our future and we need to let them be involved. If there is anyone, under the age of 15, who would like to submit something for this page, you are welcome to do so. Just email me ( your story, riddle, recipe or whatever you like, and we will include it with the next Message from the Mayor. Thank you to those who submitted to this newsletter.

President Reynolds and I are working on revamping our neighborhood watch program. We are working with MCSO on this. We are looking at a program called VIPS, Volunteers In Policing Services. This is a more comprehensive and national neighborhood watch program which may require applications and background checks for participation in this program. More information will be forthcoming.

The council would like to thank everyone who participated in making National Night Out and the vaccination event a great success.I believe somewhere between 23-30 people were able to receive their vaccinations. A huge thank you goes out to the OHSU Foundation, Medical Teams International and Providence Health for their contribution in making it happen.

In responding to comments and concerns from residents about things being placed in easement driveways, roads and curbs an ordinance has been written. You will find a copy of the new ordinance included with this letter. This ordinance takes effect immediately.

The annual garage sale is being held August 27, 28 & 29th. Although this is NOT a city sponsored event, the registration is included with this letter. If you have any leftovers, Jim from Anniebug’s Attic is willing to come pick things up. Just give him a call at 503-715-5300.

Our next city wide event is the First Annual Car Show and Fall Festival. A few streets will be closed, to accommodate this event. Maywood Place, Failing, 99th and Shaver, to name a few. The details of this event are still being worked out. We are in need of volunteers, so if you are interested, please email myself or the office and get your name on the list. People who had never attended a Maywood Park event before commented on the volunteers and the team work displayed at our NNO/Vaccination event. I just said, “we have some pretty awesome residents in this city, and I am honored to be a part of it!!!” There will be more information on this event in the coming weeks. PLEASE check the city website often, for updates!!!

Please remember, there is a burn ban in Maywood Park. In the past few weeks, there have been several fires on the berms along 205. This is dangerously close. Be mindful if you are using a bbq. Water your lawns in the evening so the sun doesn’t continue to burn your lawns due to glistening water droplets. If we work together and stay vigilant, we can make it through this drought and heat.

Fire Prevention & Safety Information

Please check out Portland Fire and Rescue website. It is a great resource.


October 2021 Update